TIMBER is designed to be as independent, resilient, and democratic as the government we want representing us.

TIMBER is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which means that we are ineligible for most government and foundation grants. While this makes it quite hard for us to fundraise, it makes it very easy to spend what we do receive in service to our community.

We encourage supporters who can afford to do so to please support us with a monthly donation of any size. Steady monthly donations help us get a sense of what we can realistically commit to. We also accept one-time contributions. Either way, we’re very grateful for your support.


If you’d like to be involved with TIMBER but cannot contribute at this time, please click here to fill out a short intake form. It is none of our business why you cannot contribute, and we will never ask. At the moment, we are especially interested in building our board and bringing on volunteers who can take on in-depth research projects.


TIMBER is in the preliminary stages of determining how best to partner with businesses and other organizations that are aligned with our mission. If your organization would like to support TIMBER’s work or collaborate on a project, please get in touch with our Managing Officer at greg@timbercorp.org.